0.7.5 Update

  • Balance: Small HP boost to some spiders
  • Balance: Slightly reduced Flamethrower DPS because the fix below is making them way too powerful otherwise
  • Balance: Increased the minimal amount of money the trader can spawn with
  • Balance: Military armor and military gas mask are now considered 'rare' (less likely to appear in loot/trade)
  • Balance: Damaged versions of top tier weapons and armors also marked as rare
  • Balance: Higher bullet speed for most weapons
  • Balance: Tweaks to some of the store-type buildings (small chance to find random seeds or electronic parts)
  • Content: Added new spider variants (ice and venom spiders) which can also lay eggs and be tamed
  • Content: Added Giant mother spider that will spawn smaller ones around her (similar mob/event/reward combo to the Scorpion Queen)
  • Content: Mining mountains (and caves) has a very small chance to uncover gold, coal, quartz and iron deposits which can be mined for resources
  • Content: Gold ore can be smelted at the forge to make valuable gold bars (with metallurgy)
  • Content: Quartz can be used to build windows (don't ask about it) with metallurgy or it can be sold for profit
  • Content: Added mercenary armor and police riot helmet to loot and trade tables
  • Content: Added 3 new firearms (assault rifle, light SMG, sawed off shotty) to loot and trade tables
  • Engine: It is no longer required to start a new game to take advantage of new or edited special events after an update
  • Graphics: Replaced the giant crab models by much better looking ones with proper animations
  • Graphics: Replaced the giant spider models by much better looking ones with proper animations
  • Graphics: Added proper death animations to spiders, scorpions and giant crabs
  • Graphics: Standardized animal 'armor' textures so they fit properly in the menus
  • Graphics: Replaced the spears' textures by better versions
  • UI: The factory menu's height scales with screen estate (like depots and pastures)
  • UI: Added feedback in the game-log when a pet or cattle give birth
  • UI: The generator menu displays the total power consumption, production and balance of it's associated grid
  • UI: Updated power relay menu to also contain the total power usage for the associated grid + small make-over wasting less screen estate
  • UI: In the factory menu, I clarified the field about power consumption when the factory is inactive
  • UI: Added option to reset game speed when non raid events happen
  • UI: Added outpost tracker to the Faction menu (Available after Logistic tech)
  • UI: Robots can now be destroyed (you get a very few resources back), through a self destruct sequence located in their character panel (replaces banish button for normal settlers)
  • Fixed: Pastures would still count butchered and dead animals as occupying room (until save/reload)
  • Fixed: Removing "to butcher" marker from an animal wouldn't always work as expected
  • Fixed: After loading a save, it was possible for animals marked to be butchered not to be processed
  • Fixed: Multi bullet weapons like flamethrowers or shotguns could not hit anyone but the intended target of the shot (which was decreasing their efficiency by a lot)
  • Fixed: The minor events "good news" and "bad news" could never trigger
  • Fixed: Minor issues with jobs issued by farms
  • Fixed: Possible graphical crash with farms if they are 1x1 sized


after-the-collapse-win-64.zip 605 MB
Version Jul 23, 2020

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